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What is the supervising PhD candidates course?

Members of staff who are supervising a PhD candidate for the first time are required to follow the Supervising PhD candidates course. This course offers insight into what supervisors can do to get the best out of their PhD candidate. If you have been asked to act as a supervisor, you are responsible for the following at the start of a PhD track:

How can I find a PhD supervisor?

To find a PhD supervisor, investigate how previous supervisees have done under their tutelage. University websites, ResearchGate, and LinkedIn are great places to find this information. Additionally, if you can visit the department in person, speaking to current PhD students can provide valuable insights.

How can a supervisor help a PhD candidate?

The success of a PhD candidate depends in part on the guidance received from the supervisor. Members of staff who are supervising a PhD candidate for the first time are required to follow the Supervising PhD candidates course. This course offers insight into what supervisors can do to get the best out of their PhD candidate.

Find a PhD supervisor

Find a PhD supervisor. Once you''ve identified the subject area you wish to research, you will need to find a supervisor for your project. All Doctoral Researchers are provided with a lead supervisor, who will act as the main source of academic supervisory support and research mentoring during your time as a Doctoral Researcher at the University.

My supervisor is leaving the university I''m with : r/PhD

This happened to a friend of mine - he was 1.5 years into his PhD when his main supervisor announced that she''d been offered a much more lucrative position at a university back in her home country. She initially said that she''d continue supervising him (and her other student who was 2.5 years in), but then changed her mind about that when she realised the commitment …

Finding a PhD or MPhil supervisor

How do I find an academic supervisor to support my PhD or MPhil application? Answer ID 3453 | Last updated on 05/11/2024 11.47 AM . The role of academic supervisor/s is to guide you to develop your own research.

How to find your PhD supervisor

Tip three – The best PhD supervisor for you may not be the most renowned . Your tuition fees for your PhD are a bit of a misnomer. What you are actually paying for is access to research expertise and guidance. So it would be natural to assume that your best PhD supervisor is going to be that world-leading academic you''ve seen on the telly ...

10 Best Gift Ideas for Your PhD Research Supervisor in 2024

I. Personalized Gifts: A Unique Way to Show Appreciation to PhD supervisor; II. Books: A Great Way to Show Appreciation to PhD Supervisor ; III. Gift Cards: Flexibility and Convenience for PhD Supervisor; IV. Artwork: A Unique and Impactful Gift for Your PhD Supervisor; V. Handwritten "Thank You": A Heartfelt Way to Express Gratitude to PhD ...

What to expect from your PhD supervisor

A PhD supervisor plays a very important role in the completion of your PhD. Your supervisor is the intermediary between your research subject and the university. But how does this relationship works in practice? Here are some details on what to expect from your PhD supervisor. Stages of …


Definition of supervisor. During your PhD a lot is expected from you. On the other hand, you may also expect some things from your supervisor. Good supervision will make it easier to finish your PhD in time, grow as a scientist and develop the skills necessary for your career after your graduation ceremony. We have listed some points in the ...

PhD Supervisors

PhD plan. The PhD student is responsible for producing a PhD plan in collaboration with the principal supervisor. The plan is submitted by the student with the approval of the principal supervisor, and it must subsequently be approved by both the Head of PhD programme within the department and the Head of the department.

Choosing your PhD supervisor

Your PhD supervisor needs to believe in your work. They should see the importance and relevance of your chosen research topic, and appreciate and nurture its potential impact. Therefore, when targeting a potential supervisor, ensure that their research interests chime with your own and whether or not they are welcoming PhD applications in your ...

Tips to Maintain a Good Relationship With Your PhD Supervisor

Such discussions help in strengthening the PhD student-supervisor relationship and foster a bond that has the potential to grow beyond your doctoral journey. PhD is a bumpy ride with unpredictable twists and turns, but maintaining a healthy supervisor-PhD student relationship surely helps in transforming the ride into a memorable one.

PhD Supervisor-

Faculty & Staff Directory PhD Supervisor Master Supervisor Administrative Staff. 1911. Yale-China Care School created by Yale-China Association 2000. We are entitled to confer master''s degree in nursing on Academic Degrees Committee …

PhD Supervisors

This part of the website contains information for (daily) supervisors of PhD candidates part of the GSLS. Besides the information you can find here, we highly recommend to look at the PhD part of the website as well. You can learn more about the profile and training of your PhD candidates, rules and regulations, and the services that we offer as graduate school.

[PDF] PhD supervisor-student relationship | Semantic Scholar

As to a smooth transition to the postgraduatelife, supervisors should start thinking about providing the same kind of positive reinforcement that every student is used to experience in the undergraduate course, which can motivate the PhD students to persevere in their studies. Dear Editor, The relationship between the PhD supervisorand the PhD student is …

Choosing Your PhD Supervisor

Choosing the right PhD supervisor can make a huge difference to how successful you are in your project - your research can become a frustrating and lonely process if you do not have a good supervisor to support you when you need help. Our tips will help you choose the right PhD supervisor for you. 1. Know your topic

Choosing a PhD supervisor in the sciences

Choosing a PhD supervisor in the sciences targetjobs editorial team 25 Jan 2023, 13:36 Whether you end up applying to a specific research project with an allocated supervisor, or to a funded research group within which you have more freedom to develop a research project, read on to find out what makes a good supervisor and how to find one. ...


As a supervisor, you are responsible for the supervision of your PhD candidate. Read here about your duties as a supervisor and the procedures relating to this, as well as the administrative …

Perhaps It''s Not You It''s Them: PhD Student-Supervisor …

If there is one thing that may truly make or break your PhD journey, it is the relationship you have with your PhD Supervisor. Footnote 1 Research has shown the interpersonal (professional) relationship between PhD students and their supervisors heavily influence the success of a PhD project, and is linked with progress and student satisfaction [].

PhD Position to work on High Temperature Thermal Storage …

As a PhD candidate you will be enrolled in the TU Delft Graduate School. The TU Delft Graduate School provides an inspiring research environment with an excellent team …

Choosing the right PhD supervisors: a make-or-break decision

For instance, my PhD supervisor was the person that my current boss contacted as a reference when I applied for my current position. He also invited me to give a workshop at a conference he''s chairing later this year. Personality match. Compatibility between your personality and that of your supervisors can lead to a more harmonious working ...

How to find a research supervisor | How-to guides

Having an enthusiastic supervisor lined up is a great start for a competitive research degree application, but remember that even the keenest supervisor can''t make you an offer on the …

What Makes A Great Supervisor? My PhD Experience

In this article, Melissa Vasi shares her experience of having a supportive and understanding supervisor during her PhD journey. She explains how being a supervisor is not just limited to correcting a thesis, but also being a mentor and friend.

Energy storage platform: energieopslag na 2030 | TNO

TNO werkt in het Energy Storage Platform aan technologische oplossingen om energie in allerlei vormen op te slaan om altijd aan de vraag te kunnen voldoen.

Choosing a PhD Supervisor | FindAPhD

At the beginning of your application for a doctorate at TUM, you need to find a supervisor for your PhD project. This information sheet provides you with some advice on how …

What to Look For in a PhD Supervisor

Check your future PhD supervisor''s credentials, research interests, and publications. The PhD supervisor should be an expert in the field of study you are interested in pursuing for your PhD degree. It seems obvious but this reminder to pay attention to your supervisor''s credentials, research interests, and publication track record, is not ...

Choosing a PhD supervisor

Researching and writing a PhD in the humanities can be a long and lonely journey, so it''s important to find a supervisor who can see you through to submission. The ideal supervisor should give you sound research advice, steer you clear of pitfalls in your writing, and help kickstart your career. Most of all, they should be there when you need them.

How to: Choosing the right PhD supervisor — EA Forum

The supervisor-supervisee relationship will probably have a big impact on your experience of getting a PhD, your development, and your prospects after your PhD. Your supervisor will likely be your primary mentor for several years, so it''s worth investing time in finding a good match.

My PhD supervisor gave up on me

My PhD research is multidisciplinary and for that I had to learn some new technical skills too (as my second supervisor is from different discipline) which took a lot of time. At personal level I had been dealing with a lot of self-doubts and insecurities which also took a lot of time for me to recover and feel good enough to have the confidence to continue.

How to impress your PhD supervisor | 4 clever ways!

Wanting to impress your PhD supervisor is a common goal for most PhD students. Follow these simple tips to impress your PhD supervisor. Sign up for my FRE...

How to Choose a PhD Project & Supervisor

If your potential supervisor manages 10 PhD & post-doc researchers and the group publishes only one paper a year, perhaps it won''t be the most fruitful publishing route during your PhD either. Yes, of course this very much depends on the research area.

Energy Storage

Energy Storage NL is de inhoudelijke expert op het gebied van energieopslagen conversietechnologie. We bevorderen het bewustzijn en de kennis over de huidige en …

Role of the (co)supervisor(s)

The (co)supervisor(s) are responsible for supervising the PhD candidate. Starting a PhD. Within three months of being appointed, the supervisor and co-supervisors, in consultation with the PhD candidate, draw up a study and supervision plan. The supervisors decide among themselves who will do what and they record this in writing. Completing the PhD

Energy storage | Energy 2050 | The University of Sheffield

PhD opportunities in the category Energy infrastructure and integration - Energy storage. Off Investigating the benefits of using palletised eHGV batteries for transport fleet …

Postgraduate research

Accommodation Apply by 1 September for a guaranteed place.; Find a course Browse or search our full range of undergraduate degrees.; How to apply Making your application and next steps.; Fees and funding Information about loans, …

Your experience with changing your supervisor : r/PhD

I''m doing my double degree PhD and I believe it''s time for me to change my supervisor. After three years of "cooperation", but actually it was more like emotional fighting, nothing helpful, my supervisor decided to leave academia for good, after 15 years of being research assistant at his university. He gave me something of a ultimatum.