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Voor de opwek van duurzame stroom is golfenergie een betrouwbare energiebron. De kracht die vrijkomt drijft turbines aan. Maak kennis met Nederlandse bedrijven die groene energie leveren …

Structure, morphology and opto-magnetic properties of Bi2MoO6 …

The structure, morphology, opto-magnetic and photocatalytic properties of the obtained powder were characterized by X-ray diffraction (XRD), Fourier transform infrared (FT-IR) spectra, high ...

(PDF) Pump-Driven Opto-Magnetic Properties in ...

Pump-Driven Opto-Magnetic Properties in Semiconducting. T ransition-Metal Dichalcogenides: An Analytical Model. Habib Rostami 1, Federico Cilento 2 and Emmanuele Cappelluti 3, *

Golfenergie als tegenwicht voor de schommelingen in offshore ...

Deze startups lopen voorop in de golfenergiesector en dragen bij aan de wereldwijde energietransitie naar schonere en duurzamere energiebronnen. Met hun …

[1912.00129] Phono-magnetic analogs to opto-magnetic effects

Abstract. The magneto-optical and opto-magnetic effects describe the interaction of light with a magnetic medium. The most prominent examples are the Faraday and Cotton-Mouton effects that modify the transmission of light through a medium, and the inverse Faraday and inverse Cotton-Mouton effects that produce effective magnetic fields for the spin in the material.

1924: Startschot voor de golfmechanica | Verdieping | ScienceLink

Sinds het begin van de 19e eeuw werd gezocht naar de formule voor het hele energiespectrum van een energie uitstralend warm lichaam. Het was reeds bekend dat de …

(PDF) Estimations of the Optical Equivalence Theorem for Opto ...

The optical equivalence principle is analyzed according to the possibility of describing unbounded states, and the suitable approximations are calculated for highly energetic phenomena.

Ultrafast optical manipulation of magnetic order in ferromagnetic ...

The interaction between ultrafast lasers and magnetic materials is an appealing topic. It not only involves interesting fundamental questions that remain inconclusive and hence need further investigation, but also has the potential to revolutionize data storage technologies because such an opto-magnetic interaction provides an ultrafast and energy-efficient means to …

Femtosecond opto-magnetism

This review summarizes the recent progress in the study of ultrafast nonthermal effects of light on magnetic materials. Fundamental aspects of interaction between photons and spins, magneto-optical and opto-magnetic phenomena, microscopical mechanisms responsible for laser control of magnetism are discussed. Our recent experiments on laser excitation of …

Femtosecond opto-magnetism: Ultrafast laser manipulation of …

It is demonstrated that due to opto-magnetic phenomena an intense 100 fs circularly polarized laser pulse acts on the spins similar to an equivalently short effective magnetic field pulse up to 1 T.

Ultrafast opto-magnetism

In Section 4, results concerning the experimental observation of ultrafast opto-magnetic phenomena and related magnetic dynamics are presented, and the microscopic mechanisms of ultrafast opto-magnetic effects are examined. Furthermore, we considered the problem of feasibility of a selective excitation of the spin system via such effects, i.e., such an …

Golfenergie: aanvulling voor de energietransitie | Deltares

Want ''s nachts schijnt de zon niet, waardoor zonnepanelen geen energie opwekken. Windmolens kunnen de energievraag misschien niet aan. Maar waar golven zijn, kunnen uitvinders en …

Opto-Electronic Engineering Article

Opto-Electronic Engineering Article 2020,47,11 200010-1 DOI: 10.12086/oee.2020.200010 Generation of multiple Fano

Ultrafast Opto-magnetic E ects in the Extreme Ultraviolet Spectral …

Ultrafast Opto-magnetic E ects in the Extreme Ultraviolet Spectral Range Martin Hennecke, 1, Clemens von Kor Schmising, 1 Kelvin Yao, 1 Emmanuelle Jal, 2 Boris Vodungbo, 2 Valentin Chardonnet, 2 Katherine Le gare, 3 Flavio Capotondi, 4 Denys Naumenko, 4 Emanuele Pedersoli, 4 Ignacio Lopez-Quintas, 4, y Ivaylo P. Nikolov, 4 Lorenzo Raimondi, 4 Giovanni De Ninno, 4,5 …

Experiment geslaagd: golfenergie kan helpen bij energietransitie

Een nieuw apparaat dat energie kan opwekken uit golven blijkt goed te werken. Duurzaam Bedrijfsleven schrijft dat zogeheten golfgeneratoren kunnen bijdragen aan een overgang naar …

Phase engineered enhancement of photocatalytic and Opto-magnetic ...

Among the numerous transition metal oxides, copper oxide, especially monoclinic CuO (tenorite) nanostructure, has garnered substantial attention due to its intriguing optoelectronic and magnetic properties [13, 14] s non-toxic nature, cost-effectiveness, natural abundance, and exceptional optical and magnetic properties position it as a potential candidate …

Ab-initio investigations on the energetic, opto ...

1. Introduction. Ever since the extraction of single layer graphene in 2004 and subsequent determination of its high electron mobility at room temperature, it has gained enormous theoretical and experimental attention [1], [2] spired by the discovery of graphene, scientific community has designed several graphene-like 2D (two-dimensional) materials such …

Modulating opto-electronic and magnetic responses of Mo

This study aimed to comprehensively investigate the optoelectronic and magnetic properties of Mo, Zn/LiNbO3 (1 1 1) material. The primary objectives were to understand the potential for manipulating the material''s magnetism and to elucidate the origin of spin-polarized states and magnetic moments, particularly with respect to the unpaired d orbitals of Nb, Mo, and Zn atoms.

Adaptieve golfcentrale | De Ingenieur

Het verbeterde rendement is te danken aan een adaptief systeem, waarmee de Ocean Grazer kan inspelen op de energie van een passerende golf. Dat systeem bestaat uit …

Ultrafast opto-magnetic effects in the extreme ultraviolet spectral ...

Coherent light-matter interactions mediated by opto-magnetic phenomena like the inverse Faraday effect (IFE) are expected to provide a non-thermal pathway for ultrafast manipulation of magnetism ...


Stationary optomagnonic entanglement and magnon-to-optics quantum state transfer via opto-magnomechanics Zhi-Yuan Fan, 1Hang Qian, and Jie Li1, 1Interdisciplinary Center of Quantum Information, State Key Laboratory of Modern Optical Instrumentation, and Zhejiang Province Key Laboratory of Quantum Technology and Device,

Opto-electronic and magnetic properties of light transition metal ...

Adopting first-principles density functional theory (FPS-DFT) and molecular dynamics (MD), calculations on 3d transition metal (TM) doped buckled Lithium Fluoride (LiF) monolayer are performed to modify its structural, opto-electronic and spintronic properties. Through negative binding energy (E b) and MD calculations, it can be postulated that 3d TM …

Advances in All Optical Spintronic Memory

The research in spintronics aims to advance the present memory and computation technology by engaging the spin degree of electron. The use of femtosecond optical pulses is relevant, which has shown to trigger the fastest changes in the magnetic state of matter, leading to the possibility of high speed and energy efficient opto-spintronic memory. In the past …

Active Opto-Magnetic Biosensing with Silicon Microring …

Integrated optical biosensors are gaining increasing attention for their exploitation in lab-on-chip platforms. The standard detection method is based on the measurement of the shift of some optical quantity induced by the immobilization of target molecules at the surface of an integrated optical element upon biomolecular recognition. …

Van der Waals opto-spintronics

Van der Waals materials with long-range magnetic order show a range of correlated phenomena that could be of use in the development of optoelectronic and spintronic applications. Magnetically ...

Dynamic complex opto-magnetic holography

Despite recent significant progress in real-time, large-area computer-generated holography, its memory requirements and computational loads will be hard to tackle for several decades to come with ...

Hoe wek je energie op met golven?

De golven van de zee herbergen een ongelooflijke hoeveelheid energie. Er wordt gewerkt aan manieren om hiermee elektriciteit te produceren.

Opto-electronic, magnetic, thermodynamic and ...

The perovskite structure materials have gained pronounced attention in current materials science research for its structure and significant properties such as electronic, magnetic, ferroelectric and thermoelectric etc. [1, 2].A lot of research efforts have been made for experimental and theoretical point of view on the perovskite oxides ABO 3, where A and B …


I''m lucky to have a small but dedicated following on social media, email, this site, etc (thank you!) and this affords me the ability to get out there, so to speak, and talk to golfers about their workouts and how they can make them more effective quite a bit. As a result of this, admittedly unscientific research, I believe there is often times a fundamental miss understanding of the ...

3 Types of Motion Capture Systems and Why You Should Use …

Motion capture is a critical tool to get accurate data on what the body is doing in the golf swing and a piece of technology that''s helping biomechanists do better research and golf instructors make better informed decisions. In this episode we talk about how they work and learn about a few companies. Motion Capture […]

Golfenergie: een innoverende stap binnen hernieuwbare energie?

Verschillende technologieën om krachtige bewegingen van golven om te zetten in energie worden tot op heden getest en verbeterd. Deze innoverende stappen, betekenen een stap dichter bij …

arXiv:1912.00129v2 [cond-mat.mtrl-sci] 12 Oct 2020

Phono-magnetic analogs to opto-magnetic e ects Dominik M. Juraschek,1,2, Prineha Narang,1 and Nicola A. Spaldin2 1Harvard John A. Paulson School of Engineering and Applied Sciences, Harvard University, Cambridge, MA 02138, USA 2Department of Materials, ETH Zurich, CH-8093 Zurich, Switzerland (Dated: October 14, 2020) The magneto-optical and opto-magnetic e ects …

Predictive Value of Opto-magnetic Imaging Spectroscopy in ...

Opto-magnetic imaging spectroscopy (OMIS) is a novel, non-invasive optical method based on the interaction of diffuse visible light, one perpendicular to the sample and the other under Brewster angle, and tissue. As a new method, OMIS is capable of identifying average energy states of valence electron and hydrogen bonds within the sample material.

Light-Controlled Magnetic Properties: An Energy-Efficient Opto

Magnetostrictive materials are essential components in sensors, actuators, and energy-storage devices due to their ability to convert mechanical stress into changes in magnetic properties and vice-versa. However, their operation typically requires physical contact to apply stress or relies on magnet …

Water Hydrogen Bonds Study by Opto-Magnetic Fingerprint Technique

Histologically, the most frequent colon malignancy is adenocarcinoma (90%) with rectal and sigmoid localization (75%), followed by caecum and ascendant colon (15%), but in recent decades a shift ...

Measuring weak magnetic field via dissipatively coupled

Measuring weak magnetic field via dissipatively coupled opto-mechanical system Asad Mehmood1, Sajid Qamar2 and Shahid Qamar1,3,4 1Department of Physics and Applied Mathematics, Pakistan Institute of Engineering and Applied Sciences (PIEAS), Nilore, Islamabad 45650, Pakistan 2Quantum Optics Lab, Department of Physics, COMSATS …