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(FTC)(FTC)"EnergyGuide"。FTC: Lighting Facts …

Is een ''vermomde schenking'' eigenlijk wel een veilige ...

Een ''vermomde'' schenking is als dusdanig wel een geldige schenking, hoewel bepaalde vormvereisten (­notariële akte) niet vervuld zijn. Ook fiscaal gezien hoeft een ''vermomde'' schenking van roerende ­goederen geen probleem te vormen. Werd ze echter minder dan drie jaar vóór het overlijden van de schenker gedaan, dan moeten er (net ...

Energy Savings

The Federal Trade Commission sued SPM Thermo-Shield, Inc., and its principals Peter J. Spiska, and George P. Spiska, alleging they make false or unsubstantiated …

Careers at the FTC | Federal Trade Commission

We''re Hiring Technologists! The Federal Trade Commission is looking for thoughtful and collaborative leaders to work on a variety of technology-related consumer protection and competition issues throughout the agency.

Credit Reporting

Federal Trade Commission and Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System Report to Congress on the Fair Credit Reporting Act Dispute Process (August 1, 2006) Under Section 318 and 319 of the Fair and Accurate Credit Transaction Act of 2003 ( …

Commissioners and Staff | Federal Trade Commission

Learn about the FTC''s Chairman and Commissioners and a selection of FTC staff. Read their public statements and biographies and follow them on social media.

FTC Announces CARS Rule to Fight Scams in Vehicle Shopping

The Federal Trade Commission has finalized a new rule to fight two common types of illegal tactics consumers face when buying a car: bait-and-switch tactics and hidden junk fees. The new rule is expected to save consumers nationwide more than $3.4 billion and an estimated 72 million hours each year shopping for vehicles.


(FTC)(FTC)"EnergyGuide"。FTC: Lighting Facts 。…

Federal Trade Commission Announces Final Rule Banning Fake …

The Federal Trade Commission works to promote competition and protect and educate consumers. The FTC will never demand money, make threats, tell you to transfer money, or promise you a prize. Learn more about consumer topics at consumer.ftc.gov, or report fraud, scams, and bad business practices at ReportFraud.ftc.gov.

FTC Investigation Leads to Lawsuit Against TikTok and …

The Federal Trade Commission works to promote competition and protect and educate consumers. The FTC will never demand money, make threats, tell you to transfer money, or promise you a prize. Learn more about consumer topics at consumer.ftc.gov, or report fraud, scams, and bad business practices at ReportFraud.ftc.gov.

Prohibition of Energy Market Manipulation Rule Review

The Federal Trade Commission ("Commission") has completed its regulatory review of its Prohibition of Energy Market Manipulation Rule implementing Section 811 of …

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The FTC produces a number of reports that examine antitrust and consumer protection trends. The agency uses this research to inform policy and to evaluate the agency''s performance.

Federal Trade Commission Seeks Public Comment on Initiative …

The Federal Trade Commission is seeking public comments on whether it should propose updates to its Energy Labeling Rule to modernize and expand the Rule''s coverage to reduce …

FTC Takes Action Against Security Camera Firm Verkada over …

The Federal Trade Commission will require security camera firm Verkada to develop and implement a comprehensive information security program to settle allegations the company failed to use appropri FTC Takes Action Against Security Camera Firm Verkada over Charges it Failed to Secure Videos, Other Personal Data and Violated CAN-SPAM Act | …

FTC Staff Report Finds Large Social Media and Video Streaming …

A new Federal Trade Commission staff report that examines the data collection and use practices of major social media and video streaming services shows they engaged in vast surveillance of consumers in order to monetize their personal information while failing to adequately protect users online, especially children and teens.


Tin-antimony alloy keeps engines permanently clean and efficient - that''s why the manufacturers don''t use it In 1942, the American motor industry first discovered tin-antimony alloy, like the pellets used in the fuel tanks of Hurricane fighter …

FTC Takes Action Against Invitation Homes for Deceiving Renters ...

The Federal Trade Commission is taking action against Invitation Homes, the country''s largest landlord of single-family homes, for an array of unlawful actions against consumers, including deceiving renters about lease costs, charging undisclosed junk fees, failing to inspect homes before residents moved in, and unfairly withholding tenants'' security deposits …

Wat is de betekenis van VERMOMMEN?

(vermomde, heeft vermomd), met een mom of masker bekleden, maskeren ; (bij uitbr.) verkleden : zich als schoorsteenveger vermommen; — (fig.) onder een schijn verbergen : vermomde eerzucht; dat dient slechts om de ware strekking te vermommen; hij vermomt zich, hij veinst.

FTC Warns Almost 700 Marketing Companies That They Could …

The Federal Trade Commission is putting hundreds of advertisers on notice that they should avoid deceiving consumers with advertisements that make product claims that cannot be backed up or substantiated. In notices sent to the companies, the FTC warned that it will not hesitate to use its authority to target violators with large civil ...

Complying with the FTC Fuel Rating Rule

In addition, please file a report online at ftc.gov/complaint. FTC attorneys and investigators – and hundreds of other law enforcement agencies – use complaints to bring cases against companies and people that violate the law. For more information, contact the FTC''s Division of Enforcement, Bureau of Consumer Protection at 202-326-2996.

In Final Court Summary, FTC Reports Volkswagen Repaid More …

In a final summary filed in federal court today, the Federal Trade Commission reported that Volkswagen and Porsche repaid a total of more than $9.5 billion since 2016 to car buyers under the FTC''s orders stemming from the companies'' deceptive "clean diesel" advertising of VWs and Audis fitted with illegal emission defeat devices.

The FTC''s Endorsement Guides:

That common-sense premise is at the heart of the Federal Trade Commission''s (FTC) Endorsement Guides. The Guides, at their core, reflect the basic truth-in-advertising principle that endorsements must be honest and not misleading. An endorsement must reflect the honest opinion of the endorser and can''t be used to make a claim that the ...


Protect your community by reporting fraud, scams, and bad business practices

FTC, DOJ and CFPB Warn Consumers About Potential Scams …

The Federal Trade Commission works to promote competition and protect and educate consumers. The FTC will never demand money, make threats, tell you to transfer money, or promise you a prize. Learn more about consumer topics at consumer.ftc.gov, or report fraud, scams, and bad business practices at ReportFraud.ftc.gov.

Rechtspraakfiches Giften

Rechtspraakfiches Giften - Schenkingen. Een vermomde schenking wordt in de rechtspraak en rechtsleer gedefinieerd als "een schenking die wordt gedaan onder het mom van een handeling ten bezwarende titel, waarin geveinsd wordt dat een tegenprestatie dient geleverd te worden maar waarvan wordt afgesproken dat dit niet moet gebeuren" (Bergen 15 februari 2005, RNB …


공정거래법(목록) - 구분, 법령명, 담당부서 순으로 내용을 제공하고 있습니다. 구분 법령명 담당부서; 법률: 독점규제 및 공정거래에 관한 법률

Is een ''vermomde'' schenking wel veilig? | mijntipsenadvies

''Vermomde'' schenking. Dat is een schenking die gedaan wordt onder het mom van een handeling die niet het karakter van een schenking heeft (een zgn. handeling onder bezwarende titel), waarin er ''geveinsd'' wordt dat er door de verkrijger van het goed een tegenprestatie geleverd moet worden.

(: Federal Trade Commission,:FTC) , 。 …

Federal Trade Commission Warns of Scammers Pretending to be …

The Federal Trade Commission is warning the public that scammers are pretending to be affiliated with the FTC to steal consumers'' hard-earned money. The FTC will never tell consumers to move their money to "protect" it. The FTC will never send consumers to a Bitcoin ATM, tell them to go buy gold bars, or demand they withdraw cash and take ...

(: Federal Trade Commission,:FTC) , 。 。。

Commissioners | Federal Trade Commission

Lina M. Khan was sworn in as Chair of the Federal Trade Commission on June 15, 2021. Chair Lina M. Khan. Search Show/hide Search menu items. Enter Search Term(s): Looking for legal documents or records? Search the Legal Library instead. Translation Menu. Español; Secondary Menu. Report Fraud;

Energy Labeling Rule

The Federal Trade Commission ("FTC" or "Commission") proposes amendments to improve the Energy Labeling Rule ("Rule"), including energy labels for several new …